Day -1

The children are pumped and excited about their trip tomorrow. For Thomas, it’s his first time on an aircraft — and he can’t wait because an aircraft is big and noisy, has lots of buttons, dials and gear. Maddy frets about the process — what time we’ll leave, how long it will take, what will we do at various stages of the process. I’d like to think this discrepancy has to do with the almost two-year difference in their ages but, in reality, I’m pretty sure it has to do with their gender identity, whatever that may mean.

Tom wonders how things work and, when allowed (not on a plane!) will dissemble things to solve that mystery. Maddy focusses on who does what and why. She’s likely to notice that the airport staff seem preoccupied while Tom will comment on the “cool” conveyor belts and security devices. In any case, they will both experience an adventure…albeit from different perspectives.

This will be an intersting journey for all of us…

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