Good news/Bad news

So I have a weight problem…had it on and off (mostly on) since I was 4. I’ve been having amazing results in the last few months just by making some minor lifestyle adjustments and many of my friends and relatives have commented on the weight loss. Then I had a really bad flu…my doc thought H1N1 was a definate possibility and I was laid up for a week where water and juice were my only friends (aside from the bed). So now I was really looking good.

That was until I went on holidays, forgot about my lifestyle changes and freely drank beer and overindulged in everything else. Getting home, I timidly got on the scales to find out what the penalty was. How much do you think I gained? I wasn’t expecting much because my pants weren’t any tighter. So…when I saw that I had lost 5 lbs I know there was something screwy going on.

The first thing I suspected was cancer since I knew cancer has a voracious thirst for calories. I’ve been suspicious, or perhaps fearful is a better word, of cancer for awhile now…for no reason other than as I get older, I find myself pondering on my mortality. I could rule out colon cancer since I had a rather pleasant colorectal exam the previous month. I wasn’t too worried about prostate cancer since my doc gives me regular exams (the digital kind…and it has nothing to do with zeroes and ones)…but apparently that’s a hit-and-miss thing and besides, at my age, I should be tested more thoroughly. Why?

Because prostate cancer affect 30% of men over 50. Holy crap! 30%? And at age 70 the rate is ridiculous. So guess who made a hurried phone call to his doc’s answering machine looking to book some tests?

Damn right!

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